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Two teens sit on a basketball court wearing Overtime hoodies


A space created for young people, with parents in mind


Developing Overtime’s youthful new shop was a fun feat for the Half Helix team. Capturing the brand’s essence through design and cool features while creating a streamlined user flow meant getting creative. Overtime’s main customer base are young and typically live at home with their parents. To build a site that both caters to their client base and builds trust with their parents, the team had to balance a playful and engaging experience with easy navigation. From finding and selecting products to managing an account, it had to be simple and straightforward—but still have personality. And with a strong focus on conversion, there was no room for any extra steps at check-out. All this, and an exceptional mobile experience: the new Overtime site was given a Mobile Excellence Award from Awwwards in November 2021.


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Brand design and UX that lands

For a brand as fun as Overtime, the team got to flex their creativity. From the moveable, original stickers to ticker tape elements and a custom cursor, the site has a distinct, memorable personality. Plus, a ‘shop this look’ video with easy-buy images makes selection simple and brings a sense of belonging for visitors.

Desktop screenshot of Overtime's shoppable hero section

Mobile-friendly with a familiar feel

To appeal to a mobile-engaged demographic, Overtime wanted an SMS focus that doesn’t require email. The Half Helix team went the extra mile for an exceptional mobile experience of the site, serving up the content in a visual format reminiscent of TikTok and Instagram to create familiarity for customers.

Boosting conversion with simplicity

With a clear focus on optimizing conversion and average order value, the Half Helix team set out to remove anything that added more steps for Overtime’s customers. Upsells are encouraged through the cart’s progress bar that indicates the dollar value needed to get a gift with purchase, and products are easy to find without any complex filters.

Desktop screenshot of Overtime's minimal PDP
Woman in Overtime clothing posing in various poses

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